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Free List of Supplements that May help with Pain and Peripheral Neuropathy

Today there’s a lot of talk about mitochondria, the battery packs of your cells. How many mitochondria you have and how strong they are affect everything you do — from performing better, feeling better, living longer and how fast you heal. There are ways to boost your mitochondria through diet and lifestyle. But what if you could charge up your mitochondria directly — in a sense, plug them in?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy comes pretty close. All by transferring energy with our advanced PEMF therapy, PEMF has been used to improve functions like:

  • Rate of Injury Healing
  • Immune Function
  • Physical Injury
  • Depression
  • Bone Healing & Density
  • Promotes cell regeneration
  • Reduces Pain & Inflammation 

        PEMF therapy is a safe and non-invasive tool to improve health. It stimulates and duplicates the earth’s natural electromagnetic frequencies and functions essentially as a recharger of the body’s electrical battery.

     The most important benefits are: increased energy and circulation; reduced muscle spasms; improved sleep; enhanced healing of bone fractures; and reduction of pain and inflammation. According to Bryant A. Meyers, “the body is self-healing, self-regulating, and self-regenerating.” PEMF therapy essentially helps provide the energy needed to do this.


What is PEMF therapy?


To have a healthy Pain Free body you need to have healthy cells. You must fix the cell to get well! Having healthy cells is not a passive thing, you can't sit in your recliner all day and expect to get physically fit! Regular tune ups on your cells can slow aging, improve cellular health, and reduce the risk of cellular dysfunction and disease.

You may recall a teacher at some point telling you that "Everything is Energy". You might even recall that energy is electromagnetic by nature. Every atom, chemical and cell produce an electromagnetic field or EMF, including the cells of your body. Each organ in the body differentiates itself from one another with their own specific electromagnetic field or signal. Every cell in the body communicates through these electromagnetic frequencies. Nothing happens in the body without these electromagnetic exchanges between cells.

Electromagnetic fields are influential to cells chemistry as well. Tissue function is regulated by these physics, so is the cause of cell dysfunction that leads to disease. Dysfunctional electromagnetic energy can disrupt cells, impairs their metabolism, and ultimately their production and purpose.

Cells with impaired chemistry due to imbalances in electromagnetic energy are the cause of many painful chronic pain conditions, inflammaton, and impaired immune systems.

Electromagnetic therapy addresses impaired chemistry by rebalancing the cells and restoring predetermined functions of the cell. Recharged cells improve overall health. Remember the body is comprised entirely of if the cells are healthy and functioning correctly, so is the body as a whole.

What Causes the Imbalances?

We have become indoor creatures. We wear shoes with rubber soles that insulate us from the earth. We work in high-rise buildings. We have lost this important electromagnetic connection to the earth. PEMF therapy can reconnect us to this important basic component of life. Our PEMF system incorporates the most significant magnetic frequencies available with this technology. This technology has been available for over 30 years, but it is just now catching the worlds attention, and with the advent of 5G technology its time has come. Our patented process of turning on the ion pump mechanism of cells mimic the energy found in very young children. When cells are highly charged, they resist disease and illness. With the ability to energize and improve cellular communication our PEMF system may be the most flexible tool in medicine today.

Our Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) system is therapy administered by simply laying on a therapeutic table or mat that is designed to emit pulsing electromagnetic fields. Our bodies are designed to need and benefit from these pulsing fields that the earth naturally emits. A session usually lasts anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes and is adjustable to trigger a range of cellular benefit from stimulation to relaxation. Our PEMF supports direct communication between the body and its cells, a phenomenon known as “The Cellular Unlocking Principle” creating an incredible cascade of cellular benefits. Cellular waste removal including heavy metals is turned on along with nutrient uptake into the cells. Our PEMF therapy also eliminates dirty EMF (electro-smog) that is caused by the social saturation of cellular and internet frequencies. This “electro-smog” causes havoc with cellular communication resulting in decreased blood flow, and a lack of energy because of low cell voltage. The improved cellular communication results in bigger and stronger mitochondria which are known as the “powerhouses of the cell”.

You wouldn't keep driving your car with a low battery... don't do that to your body!

See What Dr. Oz says about it below:

Get Out of Pain!

Take Back Control of Your Life!

Be More Active

People who are more active and able to exercise - Live Longer!  

Be More Productive

People Who Get Out of Pain...Get More Done!

Be a Happier You

People Who Get Out of Pain Have a More Positive Outlook on Life and are Happier.


PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) Therapy for Nerve Regeneration

Individuals suffering from a host of neurological issues such as spine or back pain, sciatica, cervical, herniated or ruptured disc, multiple sclerosis, or even stroke, arthritis, parkinson’s disease and alzheimer’s disease can benefit tremendously with pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.

Back in 2002, NASA’s PEMF scientist, Thomas J. Goodwin reported that 10 Hz PEMF therapy application to neural tissues resulted in 400% improvement in regeneration. We now know that astronauts do not go to space without PEMF and a pulsed magnetic field is essential for functioning of our body’s bioelectric system.

PEMF therapy use exhibits nerve regeneration symptoms such as slight increase in pain and then quicker long-term pain relief even in chronic pain conditions. For anti-ageing effects, PEMF therapy is a great tool, more powerful than any nerve regeneration supplements. With long enough use, research shows that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy can provide life-changing recovery without any side effects or risk of infection. Although PEMF therapy is highly effective and safe, it is only now that awarene ss is building and institutions, doctors and the boomers are catching on to this novel regenerative tool.

I have listened to hours of testimonials from practitioners and patients/clients about the amazing results they’ve obtained using PEMF. Pain symptoms are just the beginning! There are multiple PEMF devices on the market, but in my research, nothing compares to the Curatron system. We have invested in this incredible technology and in advanced hands-on training to be able to provide you with the most effective and efficient wellness plans possible. This technology has been utilized in Hospitals in Israel, Russia and the UK for years. They have developed proprietary combinations of specific frequencies and intensities derived from the experience and medical studies to facilitate the optimal results for over 100 conditions. Sounds too good to be true?

Come and try it today - Since the effects of PEMF are cumulative, we have created a “test drive” starter pack where you get four, 45 minute sessions for just $199.Your first appointment will include a consultation and assessment to determine the best plan to get you started. After your fourth session, you’ll have the option of a variety of packages to meet your needs or can continue on a 1 treatment at a time plan.

PEMF therapy slows or stops the release of pain and inflammatory mediators, increases blood flow of the cells, and re-establishes normal cell interaction. With reduced inflammation, pain decreases, energy increases, and faster tissue healing occurs.”

Improvements may be seen in the following:

  • Bones, Joint, Muscles: arthritis, sprains, bursitis, osteoporosis, post-surgical wound healing, and jaw/tooth disease
  • Skin and Connective Tissue: Diabetic ulcers, radiation and thermal burns, surgical incisions, muscle firming, reduction of wrinkles
  • Organs: Heart, lungs, liver, kidney, prostate, uterus, etc.
  • Brain: Memory, concentration, depression, Parkinson’s, ADHD, and mental focus

Chronic disease and loss of well-being is always defined by low electrical charge. With enough voltage and raw materials, the body can heal almost anything”, Jerry Tennant, MD, Healing is Voltage. PEMF is not intended to treat a specific condition, however, it is more as an optimizer for the body’s natural functions of self-healing and self-regulation. There are over 2,000 medical studies that evaluate the effect of PEMF on the body—studies ranging from Arthritis, Cell Regeneration, Circulation, Skin Would healing, and pain.

Why Does NASA Use PEMF?

When NASA sent its astronauts to live in space for extended periods of time, they realized the reduction in exposure to the earth’s magnetic field had an adverse health effect. One study, put out by the NASA’s Johnson Space Center, entitled “Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields – A Countermeasure for Bone Loss and Muscle Atrophy,” stated the following:

Currently, there is a critical need to develop effective countermeasures for bone loss and muscle atrophy to enable future human space exploration to the moon, Mars and beyond. Progressive muscle atrophy can lead to weakness, fatigue, the inability to perform efficiently assigned tasks, and compromised emergency egress operations. Bone loss causes increased risk of bone fracture and kidney stones, which can also negatively affect mission objectives and success.

To rectify this problem NASA researched the positive effects of PEMF.

The purpose of these studies is to develop a pulsed electromagnetic field device for use as a noninvasive countermeasure to enhance bone retention, prevent or alleviate muscle atrophy, and augment natural healing/regeneration processes.

This research represents a major contribution toward enabling humans to live and work safely in space, and is especially relevant to projected human space exploration. On Earth, this device could be useful in the treatment of various muscle diseases, age- and cancer-related muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, and other bone diseases.

Bone Mending/Wound Healing

Improving bone density and wound healing PEMF treatments improves the quality of calcium produced and mends bones in one-third of the normal time. The skin of the bone seems to develop cells more like the DNA dictates. PEMFs work to repair bones, whether damaged by surgery, injury, or disease and have been found to improve bone regeneration such as occurs with osteoporosis and osteopenia, among other bone destroying conditions. Because PEMF supports cellular health, damaged tissue and wounds generally heal much faster, in one-third to one-half the time with less scarring.

Stress Reduction

Relaxation and deep tissue massage through pulsating muscle stimulation. Stress is part of being human. Normal stress, called eustress, is necessary for survival. Too much stress is very harmful to the body and accelerates aging. Stress is responsible for at least 65% of our illnesses, so stress reduction is necessary for all of us. Stress-reducing activities performed only now and then will allow too much stress-related damage to accumulate over time. PEMF has stress-reducing effects. Regular use of PEMF can help to reduce the negative effects natural stresses have on our bodies. There is an apparent relaxing of the vascular system within minutes of completing a PEMF session, which lowers the heart rate and can drop blood pressure by 20% to 30%.

Increased Circulation

One of the most basic effects magnetic fields have on the body is increased circulation, not by increasing heartbeat or blood pressure, but by opening and dilating the arteries and capillaries. When a cell (such as a red blood cell) does not hold its ideal charge, the red blood cells can “stick” together and stack like coins, which is called the Rouleau effect. This effect inhibits proper cell oxygenation to the cells because the red blood cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed. There is a simple explanation why the Rouleau effect occurs, and it is related to voltage. When your cellular voltage is low the positive charge on the outside of the cell is diminished, which allows the cells to stick together. When a magnetic field passes through the cell, the membrane becomes properly charged, allowing the cell to repel itself and keep separate from other cells, thereby increasing circulation. Good circulation helps tissues with cellular function (get the nutrition they need, while expelling the waste they produce), nutrition, healing, and regeneration. Poor circulation makes tissues unhealthy and prone to disease and breakdown.

Improved Blood Oxygenation

Just as a fire cannot burn without oxygen, our cells cannot produce heat and energy without oxygen. PEMF helps with the process of extracting oxygen out of the air we breathe and helps it to be better transported into circulation. The absorbed oxygen is then transported through the body to all the cells, where it is absorbed into the individual cells. Proper blood-oxygen levels at the cell level (not just in the blood) allow this process to continue quickly and efficiently.

Decreased Inflammation

Increased range of motion and reduction of pain. Inflammation is a necessary and beneficial process, but it often persists longer than necessary resulting in chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is frequently a cause of chronic pain. PEMF therapy has been found to reduce chronic and damaging inflammation. Inflammation can be initiated by many causes and understanding the nature of the cause is important in designing therapeutic approaches .

Pain Relief – Neck, Back, Joints

With no medication, often with immediate and lasting response. PEMF has been shown to provide long-lasting, immediate pain relief within just a few minutes of the initial session to those suffering from chronic or acute pain. The ways by which PEMF relieves pain include pain blocking, decreasing inflammation, increasing cellular flexibility, increasing blood and lymph circulation, and increasing tissue oxygenation.

Athletic Recovery

Performance enhancement, accelerated recovery, and overall health maintenance All athletes, no matter the age, can benefit from PEMF. In addition to the accelerated healing from injuries, PEMF can help you recover quickly from the body soreness that could otherwise keep you out of the gym or on the sideline. All injuries produce swelling and inflammation in the tissues, as does exercise itself. Swelling and inflammation delays the ability of the tissues to be nourished with oxygen and nutrients, which is why you see athletes frequently being treated with ice packs. Ice packs reduce superficial swelling, but ice also reduces blood circulation which is required to accelerate healing of the injured area, significantly extending the athletes recovery period. PEMF penetrates tissues deeply without risk to the superficial tissues, while also reducing swelling and speeding up the removal of blood in a bruise, leading to faster recovery and return to activity, competition, or training. By using PEMF, traumatized tissue and edema get reduced significantly faster without the use of painkillers or other drugs. PEMF therapy reduces the incidents of torn muscles and ligaments, and other related injuries. Due to this increased synthesis of repair proteins, a faster healing process is achieved helping prevent sports related disabilities and chronic conditions. By supporting removal of the toxins and lactic acid from the cells (detoxification), using PEMF after exercise can reduce soreness, muscle spasms, cramping, and the breakdown of tissues.

Enhanced Muscle Function

Endurance, strength, and accelerated recovery. Muscle energy production improves following PEMF therapy sessions. This allows muscles to work harder and longer, and recover more quickly from their work. PEMFs maximize growth factors by increasing nitric oxide production effectively reducing exercised induced inflammation and improving vascular function. For anyone trying to improve strength and muscles size, PEMF can help maximize that process. This would apply if you are in your later years treating sarcopenia (the medical term for muscle loss and weakness). It would also apply if you are just trying to recover from hard workouts to add lean muscle. Not only can PEMF help muscles recover faster, it also helps your entire nervous system recover faster as well. Faster recovery means better performance.

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