Back Pain Relief and Prevention

Back Pain Relief & Prevention

Every  year millions of people will suffer from back pain. There are some simple things you can do to prevent and therapies you can get for fast relief.
Back Pain can Stop You in Your Tracks
Learn to Avoid and Treat Lower Back Pain

Eighty percent of adults will experience significant low back pain sometime during their lifetime. Low back pain usually involves muscle spasm of the supportive muscles along the spine. Also, pain, numbness and tingling in the buttocks or lower extremity can be related to the back. There are multiple causes of low back pain (see below). Prevention of low back pain is extremely important, as symptoms can recur on more than one occasion. Once the onset of symptoms are present it is important to seek relief of the inflammatory factors as soon as possible. This will mitigate to the time it takes to relieve or eradicate the pain.  Laser therapy and PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) are two of the most successful modalities to stop the onset of pain or relieve the pain of chronic conditions.  Nevada Laser Pain Relief is Northern Nevada's  premier Laser Pain therapy clinic.

Risk factors

There are many risk factors that increase the chances of getting low back pain. The common risks result from lifestyle factors, such as sitting too much, being in poor physical condition, and bending and lifting improperly. Stress and lack of sleep can make the pain worse. As people age, they often feel more back pain due to weakened muscles and stiffening joints.


Muscle strain. The muscles of the low back provide the strength and mobility for all activities of daily living. Strains occur when a muscle is overworked or weak.

Ligament sprain. Ligaments connect the spinal vertebrae and provide stability for the low back, They can be injured with a sudden, forceful movement or prolonged stress.

Poor posture. Poor postural alignment (such as slouching in front of the TV or sitting hunched over a desk) creates muscular fatigue, joint compression, and stresses the discs that cushion your vertebrae. Years of abuse can cause muscular imbalances such as tightness and weakness, which also cause pain.

Posture and Back Pain
Age. “Wear and tear” and inherited factors may cause degenerative changes in the discs (called degenerative disc disease), and joint degeneration of the facet joints of the spine (called degenerative joint disease). Normal aging causes decreased bone density, strength and elasticity of muscles and ligaments. These effects can be minimized by regular exercise, proper lifting and moving techniques, proper nutrition and body composition, and avoidance of smoking.

Disc bulge. or herniation, can cause pressure on a nerve, which radiate pain down the leg. This generally responds well to a strengthening and stretching program and rarely requires surgery.

Other cause of low back pain include bladder/kidney infection, endometriosis, cancer, or ovarian problems.

Posture & precautions

Good posture can help prevent low back pain while poor postures can contribute to repeated episodes of back pain.

Here are some suggestions for improving posture:


• Sit well back into a chair, resting against the back of the chair. To support the curve in your low back, called a lordosis, you may put a small rolled towel between your back and

the chair.

• A portable lumbar roll, available for purchase in Physical Therapy. This roll

can also be used when sitting in class and while driving or riding in a car.

• Use of a footrest can help relieve pressure in your low back.


Avoid standing while bent over—even if only slightly bent—for long periods. If you must be bent over, try straightening up every few minutes and arching backward a few times.


Change positions frequently. If you sit most of the day, get up and move around as often as you can. If you work in an office all day you can working and you're standing.

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Work and Back Pain
If you are standing for long periods, sit down during breaks.


Stay as active as possible, even if you are having pain. Getting regular exercise, such as walking or swimming will help you recover faster. Start slowly, allowing your body to loosen and warm up before increasing intensity.


Perform these exercises slowly, without forcing movement. Be sure to breathe throughout the exercises. You should feel a slight stretch, however, do not move into pain. Your symptoms should not intensify as a result of doing your exercises. Perform the exercises 2-3 times daily.

• Hamstrings.

Lying on floor, pull thigh towards your chest to about 90. Straighten your knee until a stretch is felt in back of thigh. Hold 1 minute. Repeat with opposite leg.

Exercise for Back Pain
• Single knee to chest
Pull knee in to chest until a comfortable stretch is felt in hip and lower back. Hold 15 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg. Repeat 5-10 times each leg.
Stretch for Back Pain
What is an effective Treatment for Back Pain

Laser therapy can manage many pain issues like back pain, neck pain, Disc Herniation, Chronic pain, and other muscular pain.  Laser therapy is not harmful and has no side effects and not painful like surgery and other invasive treatments.  You should contact a Laser therapist in your area and ask about Pain therapy as they often provide Laser Therapy to remove pain. Of course we welcome your questions and calls at Nevada Laser Pain Relief as we are the premier Laser Therapy and alternative pain management clinic in Northern Nevada.
    I have found very few people that want to know exactly how the laser interacts with the biology of the body to relieve pain.  They just want relief!  So with that said - if you come in for 4 treatments and do not feel better ... I will match your investment and give you 4 more treatments for FREE.  I am committed to all my patients to get them out of pain and back it with my time and money. No other pain clinic in Northern Nevada will offer you this option. Why?  I will let you ponder that question.
Cold Laser Therapy for Back Pain

$65.00 New Patient Offer

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